Welcome to my writing page, here's a little explaination of all this bs :)

Eberron DND: This is mainly for my players, but this is a collection of things I've written in my version of the Eberron DND 5E campaign I run. If you're familiar with the campaign setting you'll notice a lot of things have just been either drastically changed and/or inserted. I just tend to make shit up, don't sweat the details.

Mothership-Ark: This is another section primarly for my players. Mothership is actually a super underrated TTRPG by creator Sean McCoy. This is another section full of other various canon bs for my homebrewed up setting.

Fool and Cavalier: This is actually my own thing this time! I have no idea what's going on here, but my friend likes reading it so. Enjoy. It's a medieval fantasy/cosmic horror type deal.

More to be added soon!

Eberron DND5e

My DND Eberron players! Look here!

Sotol's note to Xochitl:

From some time before session 23, when Sotol snuck the note under Zar and Xo's door at The Spotted Dog.

Amity & Lilov:

That time I started writing fanfic about Azarova's parents. I might come back to this.. someday.


My Mothership players look here!

FREDDIE & NOAH conversation:

This is just a little conversation overhead between FREDDIE and NOAH, between sessions 10 and 11.